A Photo a Week Challenge: Made by Hand

There is always something special about items that are made by hand. When I was younger, one of my favorite pieces of furniture at my grandmother’s house was a corner hutch that my mom and her father had built together when she was just a girl. My grandfather had ordered it as a kit, but the corner Grandma wanted it in was irregular, so he had to modify it to fit. It wasn’t until it was moved to my parents’ home that you could tell just how much he had to change the back to get it into that corner.

My husband loves it when I spend a day in the kitchen. I love baking, and the season change from summer to fall always seems to bring out the super baker in me. Today, I made bread and a fresh peach pie. The house smells wonderful, and I’m looking forward a piece of fresh-baked bread with butter melting on it. I better wrap this up so I can do that now!


Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography. Here’s how it works:

  1. Each week, I’ll come up with a theme and post a photo that I think fits. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blogΒ (a new post!)Β anytime before the following Thursday, when the next photo theme will be announced.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post β€œA Photo a Week Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the β€œpostadayβ€³ and β€œPhoto a Week” tags.
  3. Come back here and post a link to your image in the comments for this challenge.
  4. FollowΒ nancy merrill photographyΒ so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements.

54 thoughts on “A Photo a Week Challenge: Made by Hand”

  1. Your pie looks scrumptious! I used to bake bread myself when we lived abroad but in Germany with so many different breads to chose from I can’t be bothered. I envy you the energy!

    1. Well, I did cheat a little with the bread and used my Bosch to knead the dough, but I have been known to pound out my frustrations on a good batch of bread dough. πŸ˜‰ The peach pie turned out very good. It’s my husband’s favorite, and actually very easy to make. The most time-consuming part is peeling the peaches. Thanks!

  2. wonderful photo series for this delicious yummy dish – mmm – and you know , something about the IZZe drinks in the one photo that made the post warmer…. like your high quality photos are so nice and that little detail was personal…. if that makes sense

  3. Gosh Nancy, that looks so delicious. I’ve been wanting to bake a peach pie. I just discovered a farm stand that sells fresh New Jersey peaches. Maybe I will bake a couple this weekend. Today, I made several home made pizzas but didn’t take any pictures of them. No time to take pictures when it’s dinner time!

    1. Hahahaha! Thanks, Marilyn! The house smelled so amazing yesterday. I missed it this morning when I woke up and wished I had another day to do some more baking. Maybe tomorrow. I have some over-ripe bananas just waiting to be squished into bread… πŸ˜‰

  4. I’m hungry now 😬 I’ve been trying to wake up the baker inside me but i don’t think it’s working. All my attempts at baking end in failures. I have to get basic baking lessons.

    1. The first time I tried making pie crust dough, it was a disaster. I had promised to take an apple pie to my mother-in-law’s for Thanksgiving, and I sat in my kitchen and cried. I was so mean to my husband about it, too. (It’s been eight years, and I still fee the shame of that.) I called my mom, and she told me to get new flour and try again. She was right. It turned out great.

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